In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of drawing evacuation paths using
Creating your Nav Mesh
To generate your Evacuation paths or create a wayfinding system through your floorplan, You will want to use the Line tool to draw straight lines through the center of hallways and doors, ensuring that each room has a direct line of sight to one of these paths. This is crucial for generating evacuation routes from any location within the building. whilst drawing your nav mesh lines you will want toe ensure you have enabled "Angle Snapping" to ensure you are creating straight parallel lines.
Placing Targets
Once you've drawn all the paths through your building, place targets at the end of each path. Assign one target per exit to indicate where people should be evacuated to.
Each target will create a new evacuation route for your plan.
Refining the Paths
If necessary, add extra connections between corners to create smooth paths throughout the building, Switch to "Manipulation Mode" to select and edit lines, extend or reduce their length, or use toggles to curve them. Use the "Segment Deletion Tool" to remove any unnecessary parts of the paths.
You can then use the Preview mode to test your evacuation routes from anywhere your click within the building, or click directly on an evacuation sign icon to test the possible paths from that specific sign.
If you encounter issues when previewing paths, double-check that all your lines are properly connected.
Setting Primary and Secondary Routes
Plan Studio automatically designates the closest target as the primary evacuation route, with all other accessible targets as secondary options. If you have special circumstances within the building, use "Paint Mode" to add path rules. You can set a route as always being primary or secondary by placing a path rule at the end of the evacuation route, or use the Primary path to create deviations in paths if the shortest route is not ideal for evacuation.
Adding Special Rules
Include one-way routes for situations where a door can only be opened from one side.
Use "No Way Path" to disable sections of the navigation mesh if an exit or part of a route is blocked. This is particularly useful when you need to temporarily halt and restart a route.
Adjusting Path Crossovers
By default, when drawing the navigation mesh, you're in "Contact Crossover Mode." This causes paths that cross each other to create intersections.
If you need paths to cross over each other without joining and creating intersections, switch to "No Contact Mode" this is useful for if a path crosses over itself at a bridge or a tunnel.
Selecting Specific Paths
Finally, select which specific paths you want each evacuation diagram to use by clicking on an evacuation diagram icon and use the "Evacuation Path Mode" tool. You can turn on or off each target by ticking the respective boxes. Alternatively, control all targets by clicking the checkbox at the evacuation sign.
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